
Welcome to the official Lasers! home page.

Today is Tuesday, October 15, 2024.
Theme HowTo
Level HowTo

Latest Source Code
Extra Themes
Level Sets

4/13/2004 Release 0.3.0 is available
After over a year of stagnancy, I've pulled the wraps off of version 0.3.0. You can get it from the project download page. Watch for an update to the information on these pages to arrive over the next few days.
2/11/2003 Release 0.2.1 is available
Release 0.2.1 of the code is available for download at .

2/11/2003 More graphics posted
There's some more graphics sets available. All are works in progress, but they're available for evaluation. Follow the "Extra Themes" link at left or click here .

2/11/2003 Level files posted (finally!)
I failed to put the levels up so many months ago. Sorry about that. I've posted two level sets that I use during testing. Check out the "Level Sets" link at left.

11/22/2002 Graphics How-to updated
If you've been looking for instructions on how to build your own graphics set for lasers, they're finally here. Check out the "Graphics HowTo" link at left.

11/11/2002 Lasers! 0.2 Alpha released
Alpha release 0.2 has been posted to the lasers project site at You can download it by visiting . Fun stuff!

Lasers! the project page for Lasers! hosted by

Trolltech creators of the QT libraries

KDE the K Desktop Enviroment

KDevelop the IDE I use for code development in Linux.

Mandrake Linux the linux distribution I use.

Lasers! Home
Copyright (c) 2002 by Sean P. Mahnken . All rights reserved.
This page was last modified on Friday, 30-Apr-2004 07:14:24 UTC
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